Ever After High Read online


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  First Edition: January 2017

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  Library of Congress Control Number 2016955133

  ISBNs: 978-0-316-50195-8 (hardcover); 978-0-316-50194-1 (ebook)




  Title Page



  Diary Entry

  Chapter 1

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 2

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 3

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 4

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 5

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 6

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 7

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 8

  Diary Entry

  Chapter 9

  Diary Entry

  For Kate and Keira, the SF princesses

  Diary Entry

  I don’t know how this diary-writing thing is supposed to work. I’ve never kept a diary before. I royally hope I’m doing it right. Apple White seems to love writing in hers. Every night, Apple sits cross-legged on her bed in our room at Ever After High and scribbles happy thoughts in her diary. (Wait a spell. Apple would never scribble. She has beautiful handwriting. Me, not so much, but I’m working on that. Is this legible?) I always wonder what she’s writing, but whenever I ask, she just gives me a smile and says, “Diaries are secret, Raven!” I know she’s right, but I can’t help but feel just a little bit curious! Apple says writing her thoughts down lets her make sense of her story. But every time I try to rewrite my story, everything goes so wrong. And that’s why I’m trying this diary thing—maybe it will help me make sense of my story, what-ever-after that may be.

  This is how it all started, Diary.…

  Yesterday, Baba Yaga assigned our Magicology class homework to do over Spring Break. Our assignment is to write down all the spells we do, and when we get back to Ever After High, we’ll look at the results and learn how to make the spells better or stronger. Baba Yaga floated down the aisles of our classroom on her magic pillow, passing out diaries to the rest of the class, but when she got to me, she dropped two journals on my desk. Everyone else got one journal.

  Assuming she’d made a mistake, I told Baba Yaga that she had given me two journals. I tried to give one back, but she just stared at me. “You’re going home today, aren’t you, Miss Queen? As the daughter of the Evil Queen, I hope that you will do so many evil spells this Spring Break that you will easily fill two journals.”

  Two journals? Hex no! I won’t fill even one journal. I will not be doing that many spells over Spring Break, and definitely no evil spells! I’d like to cast no spells at all, but I’ll have to do some so I don’t fail my assignment. What I really want to do over the break is have a fairy relaxing time. But I couldn’t say that to Baba Yaga. She definitely wouldn’t want to hear about those plans.

  My BFFAs and I have been looking forward to this break forever after. I’m so used to talking to my best friends every day here at Ever After High that it will be a little weird to not have someone to share all my thoughts and ideas with. That’s when I got a fableous idea. I’d turn the second journal into a diary! I can “talk” to you, Diary, and share all my thoughts and experiences. You’ll understand what it’s like to be the daughter of the Evil Queen—to be the girl who refuses to be evil and wants to write her own ever after.

  At least, I hope you’ll get it.

  Spring Break starts after lunch today. Some of my friends are going home together. Briar Beauty is going home with Apple White. Rosabella Beauty is going home with Darling Charming. Cerise Hood invited me and Madeline Hatter to her house in the Dark Forest. That was an invitation I was fairy hexcited about. I feel lucky every day that I have such great BFFAs. When I was a little kid, I didn’t really have that many friends, and I didn’t have many sleepovers. Okay, I had zero. A lot of families don’t want the daughter of the Evil Queen sleeping over at their houses. It’s hard sometimes, but not everyone believes that I’m not like my mom. I understand it—I mean, my mom is a legend in Ever After and she’s done some seriously wicked things, and I’m supposed to be just like her. But I’m not, and maybe one day all of Ever After will realize that. So the fact that Cerise’s family wanted me to visit feels good. Her family isn’t like other families. Everyone knows her mom is Red Riding Hood, but no one would ever guess that her dad is… Mr. Badwolf. (Shhh, Diary, that’s a big secret! I can tell you because that’s just like telling myself… but I would never-ever-after tell anyone else that.) Cerise’s parents totally flipped the script!

  Maddie said yes to the invitation right away. (Actually, what she said was “Do bees kneel at tea parties? Abso-TEA-lutely!” But that means “I’m in!” in Riddlish.) I definitely wanted to say yes, too. It would be hexcellent to stay up all night talking with Maddie and Cerise. Plus, Cerise’s mom bakes the most delicious pies and cakes, and Cerise said we’d go on a picnic in the woods… but then I thought of home. I miss Cook and her twins, Butternut and Pie. I haven’t seen my father, the Good King, in forever after. I want to tell him about all the fableous things I’ve been up to at school. This was a tough choice.

  Go home or visit Cerise and her family?

  Then I got a hext message. My dad invited me to sit next to him in the royal box for the Gallant Princes on White Horses race. The race is a big deal. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men go. Princesses and fairies get dressed up and wear the most enchanting hats. Dad rides his horse around the track before the race starts. He invited me to ride next to him. He’s never asked me to do that before, but he says I’m old enough now, and that he wants his spelltacular daughter by his side for all the kingdom to see.

  That does it! Decision made. I’m going home for Spring Break for some overdue dad-daughter time.

  Spell you later,


  aybelle Thorn stood in front of the heavy door leading to the tower attic and peered down the empty hallway again. Was she alone? She had to be triple sure. It was against the rules for students to go up in the attic. If she were caught, Headmaster Grimm would probably give her detention again, and she’d spent enough time there already this year.

  I won’t get caught, she decided.

  Faybelle hesitated for a moment. After the last time she’d sneaked u
p there, she’d pinkie-promised herself that she’d never-ever-after go again. But Dark Fairies are known to break promises. Even promises they make to themselves.

  Faybelle recited a fairy spell, and the heavy chains crisscrossing the door immediately turned as bendy as gummy dragons. She pushed them aside and opened the door.

  Faybelle’s skin prickled as she ran up the narrow spiral staircase. Enchanting the door and being inside the dusty tower attic wouldn’t get her into that much trouble. But what she was doing in the attic would—talking to Her. Even her mom, the Dark Fairy who’d cursed Sleeping Beauty to slumber for one hundred years, wouldn’t approve. Faybelle didn’t want her mom to be angry, but she couldn’t help herself. Visiting with the Evil Queen made her feel brave and special. She was the Villain Club president and already Ever After High’s Fairy-to-Fear, but if the students knew that she was talking to Her, they’d be royally petrified.

  Just thinking about all that fear made the tips of her wings tingle.

  But no one could know. Ever.

  Faybelle was wicked, but she wasn’t stupid. The Evil Queen was locked up in mirror prison and hidden away in the attic for fairy good reason. She’d rampaged Wonderland, and then that one time she destroyed Ever After High when Dragonsport was brought back to the school… with Faybelle’s help. But Faybelle really learned her lesson that time. The Evil Queen’s out-of-control evil was dangerously off-book. Even Faybelle knew she needed to stay inside the mirror from now on. But it couldn’t hurt to just talk to her.…

  The Evil Queen had so much knowledge about dark magic, much more than even Faybelle’s teachers. If she was going to grow up to be the most evil villain of all time, she needed to learn from the current master. Stories would be written about Faybelle Thorn. Movies would be made, her name illuminated in fairy lights.

  Faybelle tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, straightened her shoulders, and shook out her wings. One quick visit, then she’d head home for Spring Break. A lot of girls were pairing off for sleepovers. As usual, no one had invited her. No one in her family ever got invitations, which was odd considering that her mother had cursed Sleeping Beauty because she was left off a party list. You’d think they’d learn! But no worries. It was all part of her story.

  Faybelle entered the silent attic. Cobwebs hung from the shadowy ceiling. Dust floating up from piles of forgotten items tickled her nose. Her heart thumped wildly, but she kept going. She was the daughter of the Dark Fairy. Nothing could stop her. She marched up to the magic mirror in the center of the room.

  At first, all she saw was her reflection in the shimmering glass: glossy blond hair held back in a thorny ponytail; her cheerhexing captain’s uniform with her iridescent fairy wings poking out from her back.

  “Um… Hi… Hello there?”

  Faybelle was never quite sure how to start. Did Raven Queen have a special way to summon her mother when she had her school-approved visits? Some kind of magic-mirror-on-the-wall rhyme? Faybelle would never ask, not that Raven would be cool enough to just tell her. Actually, Raven would probably tell Headmaster Grimm. What a waste of a destiny. Also, she and Raven weren’t exactly the closest of friends. It was a shame, really. Together, the daughters of the two most notorious villains could’ve wreaked hexcellent havoc. Faybelle wished Raven would get on the right page already.

  Faybelle crossed her arms and peered into the mirror. “Anyone there?”

  “Of course I’m here. Where do you think I’d be?” With a puff of purple, the Evil Queen materialized in the mirror. She wore high-heel satin slippers and a royal-purple silk robe that was belted around her waist. Tendrils of her jet-black hair escaped from a plush towel wrapped around her head. She peeled slices of cucumber off her eyes. “I was having a spa day. I don’t plan to wither and grow wrinkled here.”

  “You look great—truly fableous,” Faybelle said eagerly.

  “Of course I look great. I’m gorgeous!” The Evil Queen peered around Faybelle. “You’re alone again?”

  Faybelle nodded. She knew the Evil Queen was looking for her daughter. She had the feeling that Raven didn’t visit much.

  The Evil Queen sighed, then narrowed her eyes at Faybelle. “I guess you’ll do. I can’t be picky about my visitors.”

  “Uh, thanks.” The Evil Queen made her strangely tongue-tied.

  “What did you bring me?” The Evil Queen eyed Faybelle’s empty hands. “Nothing? Didn’t your mother teach you manners? No more books?”

  Faybelle had recently made a habit of borrowing books from the Vault of Lost Tales and giving them to the Evil Queen. “Er, sorry. With Spring Break coming up, the library was too busy for me to sneak into the Vault again without getting caught. Those step-librarians really do have eyes on the back of their heads!”

  “You’re… sorry?” The Evil Queen turned up her nose. “Has anyone even considered that I may desire a vacation, too? A change of scenery, perhaps?”

  Faybelle bounced on the toes of her silver sneakers. “I heard Raven’s going back home.”

  “A week with the Good King. How boring! My daughter needs to cause some havoc. Raise the roof. Shake the trees. Walk on the wild side. You know what I mean?”

  “I do, but Raven’s into being good.” Faybelle sneered.

  “Oh please!” the Evil Queen said, rolling her violet eyes. “Raven is just experimenting. She will come to embrace her destiny.”

  “It might take a long time.” Faybelle had seen Raven’s determined expression when she refused to sign the book on Legacy Day. That girl was annoyingly serious about her choice.

  “I can wait.” The Evil Queen paced back and forth, back and forth. Then she threw up her hands. “No, I can’t! Raven has played her silly game long enough. My daughter must embrace her evil destiny! There’s no time to waste. You must help me help Raven discover her true self.”

  “Of course.” Faybelle didn’t particularly want to help Raven, but she was eager to prove herself to the Evil Queen.

  The Evil Queen’s eyes flashed with hexcitement as she pulled a familiar slim red book from a pocket in her robe. Faybelle had taken it from Giles Grimm’s underground library. Students weren’t allowed to check out those books, but Faybelle wasn’t big on rules, so she’d swiped it for the Evil Queen. Besides, where was the harm? It was such a small book. No one would miss it.

  “I have just the spell.” The Evil Queen opened the book and pointed with her long, lacquered fingernail. “This curse ignites the evil inside one who is truly wicked in her core. This will be the spark my Raven needs.”

  Faybelle squinted at the curse written in fancy calligraphy. Her eyes traveled to the warning in capital letters at the bottom of the page.


  “Um, I don’t think that spell is meant to be used on people. Raven isn’t a troll—at least not in any way I can prove. What if it doesn’t work?”

  The Evil Queen gave a haughty laugh. “I possess the strongest magic in all of Ever After! If I want a spell to work, it will work! Raven’s evilness is as deep and powerful as my own. It just needs a little… push.”

  Would this curse finally draw Raven to the evil side? Faybelle wasn’t sure, but a Dark Fairy never turned down an opportunity to do evil. She leaned into the mirror. “What do you need me to do?”

  Ten minutes later, Faybelle flew into the crowded Castleteria. Outside, gilded carriages lined the long driveway, waiting to whisk students to all the corners of the kingdom for Spring Break. Students hurried to finish lunch before saying good-bye. It took only a second for Faybelle to spot Raven’s long purple-and-black hair. She was sitting at her usual table with Madeline Hatter and Cedar Wood. Faybelle flew toward them purposefully.

  “Hi, Faybelle! We saved you a seat.”

  “When are you leaving? I’m going to miss you soooo much.”

  “I got you a hextra cup of blackberry pudding!”

  Faybelle waved at the six loyal cheerhexing fairies on her squad without much
care. Even though they’d saved her usual seat at the head of the table, she swept past them toward Raven. Raven’s princess pea-butter sandwich lay untouched on her tray as she finished telling a story.

  “… and that’s what happened the first time I rode a dragon.”

  Faybelle glanced at the hickory-dickory-dock-clock on the wall. Soon it would strike one and the mouse would run out, signaling the end of lunch. For the Evil Queen’s plan to work, Faybelle couldn’t let Raven return to her room right away.

  The loudspeaker crackled and the voice of Headmaster Grimm boomed: “Students, I want to wish you a safe and happily-ever-after Spring Break. All rooms must be clean before you leave. Momma Bear will be coming by for room inspections. Students in Mr. Badwolf’s General Villainy class are instructed to hand in their thronework immediately, as Mr. Badwolf will be departing earlier than planned.”

  Raven reached into her book bag, and Faybelle knew just what to do. She cheered under her breath:

  What do you say, what do you know?

  Look high, look low.

  Where did Raven’s thronework go?

  With wicked satisfaction, Faybelle stepped back.

  “Wait a spell!” Raven’s brow furrowed as she flipped through the papers and books in her bag. “Where’s my thronework? It was here a second ago.”

  “Are you sure you put it in your bag?” asked Cedar, the daughter of Pinocchio.

  “I’m sure.” Raven bit her lip and looked again, more slowly this time. “At least, I was sure.”

  “I know how you feel.” Maddie nodded. “I lost my hat.”

  “The one with the teapot?” Cedar widened her eyes. “It’s on your head.”

  “Wonderlandiful!” Maddie clapped her hands with delight. “If you can’t see something, it’s hard to be sure it’s there. Sometimes I wonder about my ears and my eyebrows.”

  “Your ears and eyebrows are right where they should be.” Cedar grinned. Maddie was the daughter of the Mad Hatter, which sometimes led to her making some outrageous observations.